Patrick Spicer Cassidy Is A Breath Of Fresh Air With His New Album “Oxygen”

Posted on May 13, 2024 by The Indie Music Critic in Artist Newsfeaturedindie pulseIndieShout Out
by Mya Petryshyn

It makes sense to know that Patrick Spicer Cassidy has won awards for his composing and guitar capabilities, after listening to his new album “Oxygen.” Each track on the album creatively works together to make a cohesive, sonically mastered story. While mixing harmony with dissonance and injecting tension and darkness into each track, he creates a harrowing, eclectic sound that immediately invites listeners to want more. Read More...

Patrick Spicer Cassidy Bringing Hope and Light With His Album Oxygen

November 12, 2024 by Steph Stone of Variety Entertainment News

Nebraska native Patrick Spicer Cassidy released his debut album on May 10th. His album, entitled Oxygen, tells of Cassidy’s struggles with mental illness and gives hopeful messages for other people going through the same things. Read More...